
Learn to pronounce tem·per·a·ment

  1. a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior.
    "she had an artistic temperament"
    synonyms: disposition, nature, character, personality, makeup, constitution, complexion, temper, mind, spirit, stamp, mettle, mold, mood, frame of mind, cast of mind, bent, tendency, attitude, outlook, grain, humor
  2. the adjustment of intervals in tuning a piano or other musical instrument so as to fit the scale for use in different keys; in equal temperament, the octave consists of twelve equal semitones.
    "this temperament became standard tuning for all the new organs"

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In psychology, temperament broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes. Wikipedia
6 days ago · temper implies the qualities acquired through experience that determine how a person or group meets difficulties or handles situations.
Temperament traits (such as neuroticism, sociability, impulsivity, etc.) are distinct patterns in behavior throughout a lifetime, but they are most noticeable ...
Dec 7, 2023 · There are four main types of temperament, each with a set of defining behaviors and personality traits. Learn more about what your ...
Jan 23, 2024 · Some children are "easy." They tend to be predictable, calm and approach most new experiences in a positive way. Other children have more ...
Temperament is an individual's natural predisposition to react in a certain way to a stimulus. Behaviors related to temperament may be modified over time with ...